Obstacles to Becoming Fit by Newington CT Personal Trainer

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Obstacles to Becoming Fit personal trainer Newington CT

Obstacles to Becoming Fit Advice from a Newington Connecticut Personal Trainer

Being fit doesn’t mean perfection, says our Personal Trainer in Newington Connecticut.

We all want to get fit, but it’s tough! Let’s face it!

Getting fit takes a lot of work, focus, commitment and time. But Rome wasn’t built in a day and not everyone needs to be Arnold Schwartzenegger either.  Fitness should not be an all or nothing mentality.

Getting fit is a process and there certainly different levels of fitness. One doesn’t have to necessarily be a paragon of muscle to be considered “fit” so let’s talk about working on our fitness and barriers people have to fitness.

The thing I hear most commonly, says our Newington Connecticut Personal Trainer, is that “exercise is boring.” But it doesn’t have to be. There are so many different forms of exercise, that your options are limitless.

“I personally like strength training,” says our Personal Trainer in Newington Connecticut. Maybe because he’s partial to his career. But the important thing is that you choose something you find fun and enjoyable. Even walking is “exercise” and can get you to your fitness goals.

Walking may be boring but how about walking with a friend or with your favorite tunes outside in a beautiful location?

Hiring a Newington CT personal trainer is always a fun and different option because having a coach throughout your fitness program makes the time go by fast.

Our Personal Trainer in Newington Connecticut also suggests trying to vary your routine.

He suggests trying new things, researching new types of exercise and enlisting a friend or friends to exercise with.

“Another barrier I hear from people,” says our Newington Connecticut Personal Trainer, “is ‘I don’t have enough time to exercise.’  The important thing is to make time for fitness since it should be a priority, and we all make time for our priorities.”

He suggests squeezing in activity in small bursts or short walks throughout the day. “Make sure you’re keeping track of any extra activity you are doing.”

Our Newington Connecticut Personal Trainer suggests waking earlier to try and get some exercise prior to starting your day.

“Getting your workout done in the morning is great for a  number of reasons. You can get it out of the way, which means you are less likely to be tired or talk yourself out of exercising later on, after work or after dinner.” He adds, “ Exercising in the morning will really jumpstart your day. You will feel more energy to get things done. You may ordinarily hit a brick wall at 11am, but when you exercise, you will be awake, energized and recharged for a much longer span of time.”

Of course, our Newington Connecticut Personal Trainer knows that not everyone is a morning person.

If time is still an issue, try to plan your weekends around something active. Instead of planning to go and sit in a movie theater, make your date night or your Saturday or Sunday activity revolve around something like hiking or swimming or playing tennis.

Our Newington Connecticut Personal Trainer always hears this excuse too, “I’m too lazy to exercise.”

To that he says, “Let’s change that bad habit!”

He suggests creating expectations that are doable, realistic and also, to start slow. The more energy you have (from exercise once you get going), the more you will want to have. It will create a healthy cycle where you begin to crave movement.

Again, look for something that you enjoy doing that doesn’t seem like exertion to you.

If you don’t know of any activities that you enjoy, try new ones.

Our Newington Connecticut Personal Trainer also recommends working with your body’s natural tendencies and circadian rhythms. In other words, if you feel lazy and lethargic in the mornings, then of course morning exercise will not be your thing.

Likewise, if you feel tired and less energized in the afternoon, after work, then don’t fight your body’s tendency to be tired and lethargic then. Hone in on when you have the most energy and schedule some activity for those times whenever possible.

Have you heard about the interview with our Horizon Personal Training Centers of Newington CT about the benefits of exercise for children?

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